Eclipses, Moon & Womb Magick, & Justice
A moment of insight as we enter into the Eclipse Season- and words on Womb & Moon Cycle Magick for understanding this and other cycles.
Happy Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Libra <3 Cutting down, removing, and getting rid of the things we do not need. There’s been a theme of balance by removal. What is too much, things you’ve been carrying that don’t fit you anymore- can you put them down to focus on what it is you really want to do? That’s what this eclipse and New Moon is asking us. Detach and make your load lighter.
As I write this, the Solar Eclipse is slowly coming to an end. We’ve been able to see the things that bring us bother, and sit with us as a burden to be removed- now, the New Moon is, and this New Moon gives us the opportunity to set our intentions for the coming moon cycle and months to come until our next Eclipse cycle in 2024 (for those of you wondering for the next cycle- March 23-24 is our Lunar Eclipse, and April 8 is our Solar Eclipse). With our new Eclipse clarity of what we have been carrying too much of- will you allow yourself to set your intentions that allow you to slow down, be easy on yourself, and allow balance to come into your life?
This Solar Eclipse really is a birth into the New Life you’ve been wanting. Any Libra placements, the house that is ruled by Libra in your chart- that is what is being reborn for you. In these areas of your personal chart, you may find yourself shedding your skin as you come into the new. Not only are we shedding a layer of ourselves- we’re coming out of the fertile nurture space that has been, and finally able to breathe the new air of the new world we’re walking into. We are unable to see what’s being born until it is born, so now that the New You is born- start looking at the details. Where is it you want to go? What kind of Life do you want to grow? If you look to your Libra placements it will show you where to get comfortable, and also clue you in on what to expect as we go into our new beginnings on individual and collective levels. I know the eclipse has been fairly intense for many people- may you be able to find peace and breath in the middle of it, and I send my Love through to you 🙏🏼❤️
In one of the prior blogs I sent out about the Eclipses, I mentioned (and have been talking about it on tiktok as well) that this Lunar South Node in Libra is a bringer of Justice. I know for me, leading up to the Solar Eclipse- people for sure got what they deserved. I still had to be the one to activate the Justice of the work, and in that activation it is that people got what was due to them. Some of the Justice that was served was years in the making.
A lesson on Justice- it also requires you to take accountability. Justice means you are responsible and accountable to you, that’s how you create Justice for you. When you create Justice for you, take accountability if/where you need to- then it is Justice does what you need it to do. Sometimes we are involved in the serving of Justice for others, and sometimes Justice handles it for us. I know on a personal level, I don’t usually get to see the after effects of the Justice that I serve to people- and in with my responsibilities in Spirit, I do sit in a lot of Justice serving for myself, individuals, and the collective.
Our New Moon is happening on the tail end of this Solar Eclipse. The Solar Eclipse has been going on since this morning (9 am PDT) and has lasted for several hours. The Solar Eclipse brought us the clarity of what we have been carrying too much of, and how to let go of it. Now, walking into the New Moon, allow yourself to bring light and life to the New version of you, and the New life you’re walking into and creating for yourself. The New Moon is a beautiful space to set your intentions for the upcoming cycle- and since it’s also an eclipse today, you’ll have the opportunity to set your intentions for the coming months until March 2024.
I also want to educate in this blog the difference between a New Moon and a Balsamic Moon, and a bit about moon cycle magick. Before I began studying Astrology, I thought the New Moon was the darkest moon in the sky- that moon, the darkest, is actually called the Balsamic Moon. it lasts for around 3 days and is usually a time of rest, consideration, removal, realignment, and understanding. The Balsamic Moon is when things come to ground- your intentions that you set on the New Moon are realized on the Balsamic Moon. The Balsamic Moon is also considered the Moon’s Period. If you have a womb and have a regular cycle- then the Balsamic Moon is the time of bleeding that is experienced.
The New Moon is when the first sliver of light is seen to come onto the Moon. The New Light is what makes the Moon New. This is the time where we set our intentions for the upcoming cycle. If you are someone who regularly has periods and a womb- this is the time just after bleeding and before the lead up to ovulation. It is the time in your cycle where you more than likely cannot become pregnant. It is a day or few, depending on you and how your body works. In reflection to the Moon Cycle, it is also a day or few, depending on the Moon and it’s placements in the sky that change it’s cycle. The New Moon is a time of Foundations to be set and created, this creates stability as the cycle grows and flows.
Once we reach the first quarter moon- this is a time of fertility. All the work you’ve done to grow the nest in your work, your magick, and/or in your womb can become fertilized if there were to be seeds implanted from the First Quarter to the Full Moon. From the First Quarter to the Full Moon is a time of receptivity, strength, movement, dance, praise, and planting the seeds in your life that you really want to see come to fruition on your cycle magick (again, whether this is applied to the Moon Cycles and that magick, or to your womb body and your body’s magick).
The Full Moon is a peak of celebration. There is clarity that comes through. If you are really in-tune with your body, then by this point in your cycle you would be able to tell if your body has become pregnant. I know for me, both the times I’ve been pregnant, the Full Moon of my body is when my hormones started changing- my sight changed (literally how I was seeing the world was hormonally different), my breasts changed, my body started transition for carrying a baby. The Full Moon is the turning point of Transition, and speaking of- let’s have a moment in the middle of this to talk about our upcoming Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus (don’t fret, I’ll return to the Moon cycle magick and womb magick later on ❤️).
Our Full Moon in Taurus does in fact mark a moment of Transition for us. This is the final eclipse in Taurus until we again have a Lunar Node axis of Scorpio/Taurus- March 21, 2031 when Taurus enters the South Node, and Scorpio the North Node. This upcoming Full Moon in Taurus marks a point of ‘no-return’ with everything we’ve been saying goodbye to. If you take a look at what house Taurus rules in your chart, this will let you know where the goodbyes are happening. If you have any placements ruled by Taurus, there will also be activity involving these placements that have to do with an ending. We are definitely marking a transition into a new life by saying goodbye to things both in our Solar Eclipse and our Full Moon. This Full Moon then may also bring clarity of things to come. When we say goodbye, there’s a removal- and when we make room and space for the new, sometimes we are able to see what’s going to fill the room we’ve just created. Keep your heart open, your eyes wide, and let this eclipse season ride.
Now, let’s return to Moon Magick. From the Full Moon to the third quarter, we start to understand what needs to be removed so that our fertility can grow- this is also a time of nurture. What isn’t serving our seeds, our plan, our magick? What does’t allow us to bloom and blossom like we know we are capable of? That’s the time from the Full Moon to the Third Quarter Moon- nurture, and weeding the garden. Third Quarter Moon marks the time of our decisions of what does need to be removed on a larger scale, if there is one. Then from just after the third quarter to the New Moon is when we return to the Balsamic Moon, and our magick comes to Ground, and we bring our cycle magick all the way around.
Moon magick, when you really tap into it, can be a profound tool to amplify the intentions you’re setting, the magick you’re working. If you do have a womb with regular cycles, then you can start to see how your cycle works with the moon cycles as an extra layer of magick weaving- this is how you weave your internal and personal magick into the collective spaces.
How ever it is you are moving on this magickal eclipse day, may it be in Love and may Love return to you! Leading up to this eclipse has been so profound in the ways of removal for me, so if you have also been having these profound moments of movement and removal in your world- may you be able to also call Justice for yourself, your dreams, your creations, your magick, and your Life. I Love You, and may your path be warded in Love True. Happy & Sacred Eclipse Day to you <3
-Valkyrja Vörðr Raina
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