Pluto in Aquarius- Training in Primal Magick, an Introduction
There's so many moving parts to Pluto in Aquarius, and fundamentals are going to be very important moving into the next Era. Here, let's look at some Primordial Beings, and magick basics for training.
I’ve been doing lots of research recently (both scholarly research, and offerings at the altar)- and I’ve been studying up on Pluto in Aquarius. There’s SO MUCH information, almost an information-overload, that I’ve been sitting in and receiving for the previous five or six days as I’ve been in this research. The above video is going to be Part Two to the Pluto in Aquarius Video Series- it’s going to focus more on the physical, real-world, application. I found it quite difficult to talk about all the big-picture magick stuff that’s going to be happening in Pluto in Aquarius, and figured writing would be a more beneficial medium for that. So, here we are in the blog, and we’re going to focus on the magickal studies of Pluto in Aquarius.
Let’s start off with some background information. Uranus and Saturn are the rulers of Aquarius. And, Uranus is the Parent of Saturn. Saturn, the God of Time, Order, Structure has a parent. The Primordial Being that Birthed Saturn. The Primordial Being that Birthed the god of Order, Time, Structure, and Magick??? I’ve been having my mind blown away while I’ve been doing this research just thinking of the absolute enormity of the magick we’ll be learning about in the coming 20 years. Well, not only learning about, but that’s being offered to us by Pluto passing through Aquarius.
The other part of this dynamic of Pluto in Aquarius that’s important to mention is that Pluto is the Son of Saturn. Pluto is one of the forms of magick that is offered Life by Saturn. So, when Pluto moves into Aquarius, we have three generations of Gods, and Beings (larger than all of us), in the same Space/House. They’re getting together for a reason.
Let’s start with Uranus. As I’ve come to understand it, Uranus is the equivilant to Ymir in the Norse Stories and practice. Ymir birthed Buri, who Fathered Odin and his brothers, and when Ymir passes (or, as the stories go, is killed by the three brothers)- Odin, Vili, and Ve, use Ymir’s body to create Midgard. We literally could not have the realm of humans without the Death of the ancient one named Ymir. Or, in a larger perspective- we would not be able to have the structures and orders of Life and Death as we know them in this Human relam without the Death, and Rebirth/Repurpose, of the Primordial Being that Birthed the Keeper and Creator of Order (Odin), and his brothers. [This is a very brief synopsis of what the Norse Spirits have offered to me in perspective of walking into Pluto in Aquarius, so discern for yourself how you feel the reflection of Uranus=Ymir, and Saturn=Odin works for you if you are in the Norse spaces, places, and practices. The Astrological Spirits and stories are not always a direct reflection/connection to the Norse stories, so there’s sometimes room for multiple meanings and interpretations. However, that being said- that’s the Norse info I have for you on the Primordial Being and Planet that we call Uranus]
Because of this (Ymir’s body being used to create Midgard, the human realm), the magick of the Primordial Beings is woven into everything that we are, and everything we can become. I mention in the above video that this sort of magick lays dormant until we interact with it, or activate it somehow. For those of you who are born of magick, born with gifts, and find you can stir the elements just by living and breathing- this magick, for whatever reason (probably some form of ancestral spiritual inheritance, but I will not assume as I do not know your specifics on a personal level- that’s just how I’ve seen lots of Primal gifts come through for people: a long lineage of practitioners who preserved the gifts throughout generations of practice)- this gift of born magick is the preservation of that Primordial Magick. It is ancient, it is arcane, it is before us. It is before the humans. It is beyond language. It is also deeply rooted in the Beings that walk this Earth, human or not. It is our very fiber, very essence, very being. It is not something that can be changed, but if you are training- it can be harnessed and turned into something new. It is there for the workers and the weavers alike to create with. But for those who do not work with magick, it is where the mysteries of our world shall lay dormant forever.
Recently, in my practice, there’s been the verbiage of the “Primal Priestess.” Personally, I walk in two different spaces within Priestesshood. The Valkyrie, and the Vörðr- those are the Old Norse ‘titles,’ paths, and responsibilities- but, if we look at this in a more modern day sense, and without the Old Norse titles, there are still two paths I walk. One of the High Priestess, and one of the Primal Priestess. I don’t know that I’ve every heard the words “Primal Priestess” before on the internet, or anywhere for that matter, but I feel it’s necessary that we talk about it- especially since these are the sorts of gifts that come naturally, are usually wild, and need to be trained without spell books and language (that’s one of the ways to know if it’s this ancient form of magick, it is older than language itself, and there will not ever be the words to speak directly on it, just around it so that we may comprehend it. This is where Magick becomes Art).
The only way I know of to train this form of magick (The magick I practice in the path of the Primal Priestess) is to get into the animal that is you. The animal has a body and a brain, and training the Primal Brain is just as important as training the Primal Body. The way I keep structure in my practice is that we each have a spirit of the Head, and a spirit of the Body. Which, in my opinion, is a beautiful thing. The Primal Spirit of the Head is not a spirit of the Mind that thinks, atleast not in the way that we would normally identify (or talk about) thought. This form of magick and primal-ness of the mind is found from the depths of that mind space. It is not created in the ‘front’ parts of your mind. It is not ‘thought,’ it is received. The primal mind is one that is grounded, and the primal min is not normally the mind space that we use to interact with other humans in our day to day interactions- at least not until you’ve trained the mind to sit in this grounded, maternal/paternal place, and receive the energy. The Primal mind is more energetic communication, and less visuals and words. It is less calculated, and more knowing. It is a place in our mind where the Truth can live, undisturbed. A place where the mysteries are revealed, and the darkness becomes known in the light. It’s the mind that will not ever change, only inform us of what is.
One of the meditation recommendations/practices I give out to people for training this part of the mind is to look at the mind in layers. We have the under layer, the subconscious layer- a place where we can only reach in our dreams, or through some form of lucidity. It is not ever direct, and it is almost always shadowed beyond our conscious articulation. Then, we have our top layer- and this is where most of our conscious thought takes place. We have our language, our creativity, and our quickness of mind in this area. There is much more chatter, and much more relation happening in this area of the mind. What connects the two of these places is the ‘mid-mind,’ the Primal Mind. It is where energy is more important than interpretation, and in my experience- if you train yourself to create space for that primal mind to show you the energy, it will become, very simply become, on it’s own. It is not a palce where we create in the mind, it is a place where we rest, where we settle, where we receive. And then, within those receptions, make decisions in our top layered mind if we need to.
Training yourself to sit in this mid-mind, the primal mind, it takes time. When I first started this meditating years ago, I was meditating for an hour or so, every day, for months on end. I say this not to brag, but to put into perspective that even after those several months- I still didn’t have this sort of art of the Primal Mind honed, mastered, or well-practiced. It takes a lot of time to become comfortable in this place in the mind. Some of you may already understand this part of the mind, but maybe have not heard this exact articulation of it before. Most people who are magick workers, or practitioners, already have a relationship this space in the mind. This Primal Mind is also where we float when we’re not quite awake, but not quite asleep. For me, this space brings many messages, and many knowings. It also allows me to connect to the ever-living web that is all around us, all the time.
Then there is the training of the Primal Body. And, as it is, the more well trained the Primal Body, the more well trained the Primal Mind, they balance each other out for a reason. If we were able to train up the mind, and leave the body to rot- we would upset the balance of power between the two. In opposite to that: if we train the Primal Body and not the mind, we would not have the discernment on where, how, when, and possibly why to use that trained Body- and again, the balance of Power would be thrown off and out of balance. I have been thinking often recently that as a witch, one of my responsibilities is to hold the balances in nature, give reverence to them, and ensure that the balance is kept as it is needed. It seems every several of days there’s a new application to this message, so may it also offer to you what you need it to. May the witches hold the balance, and revere the Nature we are, and that we exist in.
This balance of the Primal Mind and Body is a part of the reason that I train in Martial Arts. That specific Art form requires mental and physical training that come together. There are many areas where you could train this work, combining the mental and physical- and over the next several years, as the Lunar Nodes switch into the South Node in Virgo (ruled by mercury, that shifts frequently), and the North Node in Pisces (ruled by Neptune, that will be in Aries and Pisces during this Lunar Node transit)- we’re going to be asked to start training this balance of the Primal Head and Body. Virgo has to do with our body, and Earth’s, communication- it is the more Primal Communication- and with with Neptune crossing into Aries, we’re going to be spiritually training our heads (Aries rules the Head, and Neptune is our spiritual Domains). I say this as more a preparation note, and to start thinking of maybe bringing in systems to help this training, if you feel it’s necessary, and haven’t yet seen it’s significance or started thinking about it. Especially since the Lunar Node Return of Libra in the South Node and Aries in the North Node (which is where the Lunar Nodes are right now, and will be when Pluto enters Aquarius on November 19th, 2024)- that Lunar Node return happens in 2042/2043, and directly connects to the start, and end, of Pluto in Aquarius (starting 2023/2024 and ending 2043/2044). The Eclipses over the next 20 years are working with Pluto in Aquarius (whether we like it or not, so I guess let’s get as comfy as we can while we’re here, lol).
Another practice is to give offering to the Primordial Spirits, Beings, Mothers, and Fathers. It could be specific Primordial Beings- for example, I mentioned (by name) the Norse spirit Ymir. That is one specific Primordial Being, and making offerings to one specific primordial being will strengthen your relationship with that specific spirit (that’s usually how offerings work, although every once and a while I make offerings and the spirit I’ve offered to sends me another spirit, because it’s what I need at the time. This rarely happens, but just for the awareness that it’s possible). For those of you wondering about making offerings, or are new to that practice (I tend to get the question frequently about making offerings, so I made a video for everyone), I’m going to link a youtube video on how I make offerings here- may it be of help if you need it 💖
Sometimes it’s helpful to be super specific in your offerings, as it is stated above. Sometimes it’s beneficial to give offerings in a big, open, general way (as long as that Order protects you as necessary). For example, I could give offering to the Primordial Beings of Love, Truth, and Free. I have no idea how many Beings would show up, or who they would be- but, I do know that Love, Truth, and Free are the paths I want to remain on in my life. By offering to those specific (but also more general) Primordial Beings, I’m making sure that my Primal Paths in Love, Truth, and Free are fed. So, there are two different ways to offer to the Primordial Spirits, Mothers, Fathers, and Beings.
While there are many other Primal and Primordial Practices- we have 20 years with this transit, and I’m sure there will be room for some more info another time. For now, those are some pretty great fundamentals for working with, offering to, and being aware of the Primordial Practice.I love Magick, and all it offers to us. The Primordial Beings are BIG Magick, so I suppose just keep that in mind as we move forward together into this New Era of Pluto in Aquarius. Thank you for being here, and for the Support! Links for all my updates are going to be below, if you’re interested or called to check them out 🙏🏼
I also want to take a moment to say THANK YOU! You guys booked out all of the November dates in my calendar in basically 2.5 days. I don’t think I’ve ever had that many bookings come in at one time- and I’m so very grateful. Words cannot express the feelings I’ve been in recently around this. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I’ve decided to open my booking calendar up until early June, that way, in case there’s an over-night influx of bookings, I still have openings available. Most of December is still open at this time (minus my two weeks off for the holidays), so I’ll be here if you’re ready to work on some things with me- and, I’m looking forward to it! My first week back in sessions has been an absolute Joy, so thank you to everyone who has had a session with me this first week back. It’s been incredible (more than that, but where are the words? I don’t have them 😭 so thank you again).
Life has been wonderful recently, and I’ve been sitting in awe for several days about just how much is actually shifting, happening, changing, and coming to the surface for myself. Definitely give yourself time to adjust to Pluto moving into Aquarius. Pluto is slowwwwww moving, and the stars are not at the exact 30 degree calculations that we have in our astrological charts (there’s even a 13th constellation that we just decided to leave out because it would have messed up the math of our perfect 12-part circle, ridiculous- I’m laughing at the old systems). That being said, since Pluto is slow moving, and the stars don’t fit exactly into our perfect 12-part circle system- Pluto is already moving into Aquarius, and it will probably take some time for Pluto in Capricorn to finally close out. Be patient with yourself during the transition, and may it be easy for you (as you need it to be).
I’ll talk to you soon, thank you again for being here, and for being in support of me 💖 Gratitude, Reverence, and Love to you- keep doing what you need to do! And Let that Pluto in Aquarius come on through! ✨
-Valkyrja Vörðr Raina
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This was awesome thank you !
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! The more I read your writings & listen to your words, the clearer things become. Especially those things that have little to no words. There are no words to adequately articulate my gratitude & appreciation for you. Just...thank you ✨💕💖